Church Street Waterfront
Exploring the future of the car park.

What the car park could be?
It's important for community to be at the heart of this project. Over the last month, we've shared some ideas on what the options could be. The survey is now closed, but you are welcome to view the options below.

Option 1
This proposal can be considered “light-touch” as it introduces some temporary structures and space for cafes and events. Key features include:
Remove the car park and utilise the space for temporary events.
Allow car access and parking outside of 11am and 4pm / winter months
Consider pop up restaurants, cafés and bars
Consider markets and music events on the lower car park.
Consider re-marking the existing surfaces to update parking layout

Option 2A
This proposal involves building on the periphery and introduces permanent, low-rise structures, such as:
Continue the terraced street and embed the sub station into a ground floor with gated access to hide it.
Buildings would have commercial uses on the ground floor
A new Maritime Office building for the pontoon access, with facilities including toilets, showers, stores, reception/office
Retail / leisure and first floor offices

Option 2B
This proposal involves building on the periphery and introduces permanent, low-rise structures, such as:
Continue the terraced street and embed the sub station into a ground floor with gated access to hide it.
Buildings would have commercial uses on the ground floor
A new Maritime Office building for the pontoon access, with facilities including toilets, showers, stores, reception/office
Retail / leisure and first floor offices

Option 2C
This proposal involves building on the periphery and introduces permanent, low-rise structures, such as:
Continue the terraced street and embed the sub station into a ground floor with gated access to hide it.
Buildings would have commercial uses on the ground floor
A new Maritime Office building for the pontoon access, with facilities including toilets, showers, stores, reception/office
Retail / leisure and first floor offices

Option 3
This proposal involves building more structures than Option 2 however these will continue to be temporary or be portable This includes:
Use of light weight structures, such as shipping containers
Introduce a flexible layout to allow for event spaces on the upper deck car park.
Restrict all buildings to 2 storey
Ground floor uses will be a mix of retail/food and beverage and the first floor commercial
Cycle and events storage
Allow for disabled parking in winter months only

Option 4
This proposal involves building permanent structures across the entirety of the site with designated public space for events and celebrations. This includes:
Utilise the level difference to create better accessibility to the water
Event spaces on the upper deck car park
Restrict all buildings to 2 storey
Ground floor uses will be a mixture of retail/food and beverage and first floor commercial
Cycle and events storage
Allow for disabled parking during winter months only

Option 5
Help us create a fifth option that is different from options 1-4. You can take inspiration from waterfront sites across the UK and around the world. Some potential key features could include any and/or all components:
An extended pier with public park
A piazza
A family-friendly outdoor sports area for things like
cycling and entertainment
A covered structure for events, such as community talks, film screenings, and arts and culture
A hotel with outdoor seating and views of the waterfront